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Crisis Centers
What is a rape crisis center?
A Rape Crisis Center (RCC) is a community-based organization that supports survivors of sexual violence. They provide victim advocacy, support for families, and crisis hotlines.

Sexual Violence Statistics
Who is affected by sexual assault?
Sexual assault is a crime affecting many different individuals in all counties in Arkansas. Sexual violence affects individuals regardless of their race, culture, age, orientation, or socio-economic status.

More Information
Where can I find more information?
Here on our website you can find brochures with information for survivors of sexual assault and articles on other related topics.

Important Links
Where can I find information on other coalitions and programs?
Here on our website you can find links to other coalitions across the country and programs working towards ending sexual violence.

TeleSANE Program
What is the TeleSANE Program?
Through the use of innovative video conferencing technology, UAMS IDHI Sexual Assault Assessment program or TeleSANE, will provide clinicians with on-going, real-time access to the knowledge and support they need to provide to care for those patients who have experienced a sexual assault.