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Get Involved

Be the Change

Sexual violence can be prevented. Every person can work to prevent sexual violence by promoting healthy and positive relationships that are based on respect, safety, and equality.

How can I help? 

Every person has the ability to show others how to be respectful. This can be as simple as privately asking a friend not to make hurtful or uncomfortable comments about rape or sexual assault or by publicly and safely calling out harmful behaviors. Taking action in some way, shape, or form begins to change the thoughts and behaviors of a community.

Fists in Solidarity

How do I react if someone I know jokes about sexual violence?

For example, a friend of your family makes “jokes” or comments about a high-profile case of sexual assault. They make it seem like it’s the victim’s fault.  In this situation, you could:

  • Share the information you know about sexual violence and say that it is never the victim’s fault.

  • Ask respectful questions about the person’s attitude. Why do they feel that way? Maybe having a discussion could change their attitude or belief.

  • Tell them those comments are not appreciated in your home/workplace/presence and you would like it if they stop.

  • Use social media to promote healthy behaviors in relationships and prevent sexual violence.

  • Share information that identifies healthy versus unhealthy behavior and reflects the realities victim/survivors face.

Office Group Discussion

What should I do if someone I know discloses to me? 

Things you can do:

  • Listen without judging or interrupting.

  • Tell them it wasn’t their fault. No one has the right to abuse.

  • Tell them you believe them.

  • Ask how you can be helpful.

  • Refer them to a local rape crisis center for counseling and services.


Coffee and Conversation

Here are some other ways you can help:


  • Join a group that is dedicated to preventing sexual violence

  • Donate to ACASA or your local rape crisis center

  • Volunteer at a local rape crisis center

  • Volunteer at the ACASA office

By Mail

Make checks payable to ACASA.

300 W. Capitol Ave, Ste 200

Little Rock, AR, 72201


Make a tax deductible donation‏.

Over the Phone

It's easy to donate offline too.

Tel: 501.246.3276

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