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Woman with White Hair

Confronting Sexual Assault

Myths & facts about sexual assault, what to do if you are assaulted, and information on the legal process.

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Incest: Sexual Abuse in the Family

Defines incest, what to do if you suspect incest, and information on help available for survivors of incest.

Portrait of a Man

Male Survivors of Sexual Assault

Information concerning special issues facing male victims of sexual assault.

Teenagers on Mobile phone

Relationships for Teens

Discussing healthy relationships, warning signs, sexual abuse, and your relationships rights specific to teens.

Wedding Rings

Rape in Marriage

Describes what is marital rape, types of marital rape, myths and facts regarding marital rape, and marital rape law.

Image by Christin Hume

Reduce the Risk of On-Line Exploitation

Giving relevant laws, guidelines for parents and guardians, and computer and other resources for reducing a child's risk of on-line exploitation

Using Laptop at Home

Sexual Abuse of People with Developmental Disabilities

Discussing the statistics regarding sexual abuse of people with developmental disabilities, symptoms to look for in a living environment, and how to make it safer. 

Woman in Wheelchair in Greenhouse

Sexual Abuse of People with Disabilities

Discussing the prevalence of sexual abuse of people with disabilities, how to make it safer, and teaching children with disabilities to say no. 

Special Topics

The Silent Crime: Stalking

The Role of Community Sexual Response Teams

The Empowering Internet Safety Guide for Women

A Tool for Identifying Victims of Human Trafficking

Arkansas Statutory References to Sexual Assault

Language and Title VI Access

What Happens to the Brain During a Sexual Assault?

Prevent and End Dating Abuse

Victims Rights

Find help near you

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual violence, remember that you are not alone. For additional information about the services and locations, contact the victim service provider in your area.

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